External key management
In many organisations, key management is not watertight. Keys or passes are still in ex-employees' possession or have been (incorrectly) reported as being lost. With all the associated security risks. Usually, one person is responsible for day-to-day management, a situation that leads to problems in the event of illness or departure. Van den Hoogen Security understands these issues. And has developed bespoke management software for this. With this, we can take care of your entire key management.Hosting
We can also take care of hosting the software for you. Changes to your own ICT system are unnecessary: all software runs on our own servers. You only need a Windows computer and an Internet connection. If so desired, you can also log in to our system and make changes yourself.High-level security
The security of the information we manage is paramount. That's why our hardware and software systems are secured to an unbelievably high level. Our servers are equipped with heavily secured software and access ports and are in vaults in heavily guarded spaces.Back-up as an extra security measure
We have a back-up server as an extra measure of security. This is in a heavily guarded room in our own separate location, including UPS equipment and an emergency power generator.Continuity safeguard
Our hosting and management solutions safeguard the continuity of your organisation. You don't have to keep holidays, illness, double positions or employees' departures in mind. Prefer to keep management under your own control? Then you can also purchase the software.