High Risk glazing

Break-in-resistant, bullet-resistant and explosion-resistant glazing

inbraakwerende-beglazing-1 Special security glass provides extra protection from
  • break-ins
  • attacks with a gun
  • bombing attacks and the attending pressure wave
After the alarm, special glazing helps to achieve the delay necessary to tide you over until the police, for example, have arrived.

Strengthen the weak link with security installation

In close cooperation with specialists, we take care of both the delivery and the installation of special security glazing. Placement via the regular channels occurs according to the factory guidelines due to the factory guarantee requirements. But special glazing can also be forced (see the sledgehammer test below). For this reason, we have developed an extra-safe security installation. Since we deviate from the factory guidelines in doing this, we offer our own guarantee on security glazing that we install.

Sledgehammer test

The difference between normal installation and installation by Van den Hoogen Security.

Prevent weak spots

Security installation prevents weak spots in the shield of security. So that the break-in or bullet-resistant glazing also truly provides additional protection. Because if the entire structure is not designed for heavy-duty violence, then the surface will still fail at its weakest link.


This restaurant's break-in resistant window is sunk below ground level (no thresholds for guests to trip on).
Because of the weight of the break-in resistant glass, the doors are opened and closed electrically.

Did you know...

  • Did you know that, according to the standards, 'security glazing' is tested only with a 2 kg (small) hammer or hatchet? The criminals are still laughing. And then they head off to work with a hammer weighing 5 kg. With this, they can smash the glazing out of its frame in just a few seconds! Most companies don't have a solution for this. We do, however. In cooperation with a bank, we have developed a security placement method that is, indeed, sledgehammer-proof. See the film above for real-world proof.
  • Bulletproof glazing must be able to withstand various sorts of standard weapons and ammunition. But did you know that a smart criminal can shoot through the toughest bulletproof glazing with .22 calibre ammunition? Your secure feeling just flew out the window! If our intake meeting reveals that you're running a risk, then we take the associated measures. We offer bespoke solutions that go beyond standard bulletproof glazing. Because, in specific situations, standard doesn't protect sufficiently.
  • Explosion-resistant glazing must be able to withstand explosions. But did you know that, if a criminal applies a shear explosive in the right way, the explosion-resistant glazing is useless? The glazing gives up the ghost within just a few seconds. CEN-NEN standards fail on this point. We know the clever attack techniques that criminals use in practice. And we know how to counter these adequately.


lamp2 Want to know more about security glazing in practice? Then read the article in the Peppi en Kokki series (part 14) in the (Dutch) trade publication Beveiliging. Or call us on +31 26 361 09 09.